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Carpet Yarn good

Zhejiang Jinxia New Material Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 1998, has Shanghai Jinxia, Jiaxing Jinxu two subsidiaries, located in Tongyuan town Haiyan county Zhejiang provence, which is inside the Shanghai economic zone.

Wool yarn is probably the most popular fiber

October 11, 2012 - USA, Oct 11, 2012 - Wool is also quite resilient, so when you stretch something that has been knitted with wool, it tends to spring back to its original position. This makes wool a great choice for projects that need to stretch to fit, such as hats, earwarmers, fingerless gloves and similar items.

Knitting Wool - Wool is sensitive to agitation and hot water, which causes the overlapping scales of the fiber to stick together, what we call shrinking, or, if we do it on purpose, felting. Wool yarn is probably the most popular fiber out there, and it's no wonder that people love working with it. Wool is springy and easy to work with, producing knitted objects that are warm, durable and long-lasting.

If you have found your way to our website, then hopefully you will be like us and be a fan of knitting. We are a family run business based in South Yorkshire. Technically the term wool can be used to mean any animal fiber, but it is most commonly used to mean the yarn spun from the fur of sheep. Other wools can some from alpaca, goats, llamas or rabbits.

Most yarn manufacturers make it easy for you to determine the weight of a particular yarn. Many of the mass-produced yarns use the Twisting Yarn standards ranking system and will have the number and weight printed right on the label.

Wool from sheep is special because the scales overlap and the fur is very kinky. Both of these characteristics lead to wool's amazing felting ability. The crimps in the fiber also make wool bulky. The fiber is full of air, which makes it quite warm in the winter, but it can also be used to keep heat out during the summer. Thin wools have more crimp, while coarser wools have less crimp.

Knitting Patterns - Wool has been used by humans for centuries and is still an incredibly popular knitting yarn because of its naturalness, the ease in working with it and the wide variety of colors and textures available.