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Zhejiang Jinxia New Material Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 1998, has Shanghai Jinxia, Jiaxing Jinxu two subsidiaries, located in Tongyuan town Haiyan county Zhejiang provence, which is inside the Shanghai economic zone.

A needle and a piece of yarn

Though classy and high quality scrapbooks can be a nice thing to have, from time to time all you want is a fast and affordable way to create a fun scrapbook. These little plastic bag scrapbooks are fantastic to make for a children's project. These albums can even make a great present for other relatives who wish to see some photos of your family members. Kids can even learn a whole lot about saving pictures through this project. You can even grab some photos from picture frames all around your home to place in your album. Begin the photograph fun by making some of these cute albums today. Resources Required To make a plastic bag scrapbook, you will need to have a box of gallon-sized clear plastic zip lock bags. Make sure you find plain bags, instead of ones with printing on the front. Also, measure and cut out two square pieces of light in weight cardboard, 12 inches by 12 inches. Gather together some scrapbook paper, or perhaps some affordable construction paper instead, particularly if your children will be participating in this activity. A few more things you will need are glue sticks, a pair of scissors, a ruler, a hole punch, a needle meant for Air Textured Yarn, some markers, and a hammer and thick nail. And you will clearly want some great pictures to place in your scrapbook. Use printed digital photos for children, instead of using the original prints of film photos. If your book is meant for one of your relatives, it might be best to select pictures that are nice enough quality to display in scrapbook picture frames. Children, however, are usually happy with any sort of photos. Making The Scrapbook When you are producing the scrapbook for a kid's project, you will most likely want to assemble it yourself. Establish just how many pages you will want in the book, and then get that amount of plastic bags. Join them together by stapling together 5 bags, placing the staples all along the left side and the opening on the top edge. If your complete number of pages is going to be greater than 5, than produce more sections. Take one of the cardboard covers and position it on a cushioned surface where you will be working, and place a stack of the plastic bags on top of the cardboard. Pound a line of holes about an inch apart all the way through the bags and the cover, using the hammer and the nail. Do the same thing with the rest of the stacks of plastic bags, as well as the other cover. Position the clusters of bags in between the two covers, line them up with the holes matching up, and then sew it all together with a needle and a piece of yarn, then simply knot the ends together when you are all done. Score all along the bound edges of the front and back covers of the album using the ruler as a guide, and then you will be able to fold them back. This will allow the book to open easily. Incorporating The Photos When the book is put together, the fun can begin. Get a bunch of construction paper and some pictures that will fit into the bags correctly and then present them to your youngster. Then they will be able to use sticky squares or glue and some markers and a pair of scissors to create fun pages. When their pages are done, simply slip them into the bag pages and zip closed. You might want to take a little more time and care if you are planning on giving the book as a gift. As an extra advantage, these pages are so very easy to open and close that you can exchange pictures between your book and picture frames easily. Your kids are sure to have fun with these fun and easy scrapbooks that will allow them to show off their favorite photos to you and all your relatives.